Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A story in the morning!

Good morning. It's windy here, it seems. Things are flying through the air by my window, but they may just be birds.

Here's story number two, on weather. More to come, methinks.

Yesterday involved a lot of driving around town, and I only got lost once! After work I went back to Brad's and read for most of the evening, so not much to report.

As part of my internship, I have to come up with a big project story and write it for a Sunday Front Page feature. I've got another day to think of ideas... any suggestions?



FikhmanFoto said...

do they have chinook salmon in Idaho? cuz if so, they're like endangered right now or something because they keep not surviving their trips through the dams in Oregon. maybe you could talk about their population? you like fish... and this is me providing you with yet, another brilliant story idea. :)

abloa said...

I hear polar bears are classed as a threatened species now. Not that that's what you should write about, but I knew you'd want to know. Knuuut, Knuuut, kleiner eisbär... du bist so reizend! (i'm making this up)